New Version Update | NEAR Mobile Wallet – June 2023

junio 7, 2023

Buy NEAR from your phone, better transaction and Vietnamese support

Hey NEAR Community!

We’re super stoked to finally roll out the latest version of!

We’ve packed this update with loads of awesome new features and upgrades. They’re gonna make your time on our app a whole lot better. Now you can buy NEAR right from your phone, zip through transactions faster, get more details in the transaction info panel, and oh, we’ve added Vietnamese language support for our fantastic Vietnamese community!

Download near mobile here and stick around for this blog post to learn the details of all these cool changes and show you how they’ll make your experience with us even better!

Buy NEAR from your phone with Transak

Buy NEAR from your phone with transak and NEAR Mobile integration

We’re super excited about this one!

We’ve teamed up with Transak, a bigwig in the crypto world, to bring you an easy way to buy NEAR straight from NEAR Mobile. Transak is a global champ, accepting payments from 156 countries and dealing with 76 currencies. 

Whether you’re thinking small or big, we’ve got you covered. The minimum amount to get started is just $20, and if you’re feeling like a high roller, you can go up to $15,000 per day.

The cherry on top? You’ll be buying crypto straight from your non-custodial wallet, which means your digital dough stays secure and out of the clutches of centralized exchanges. Pretty neat, huh? So go ahead, give it a whirl!

Check out Transak docs for more information on countries and currencies supported

Faster transactions and performance

Alright, moving on to the next topic – «faster transactions and performance». This one’s a game-changer!

NEAR Protocol’s strengths are all about scalability and performance, and we’ve made sure that NEAR Mobile is right in step with it. You know those laggy transactions that take forever? Kiss them goodbye because a transaction on the NEAR Blockchain now zips through in just about 2-3 seconds.

Now, you might notice that your confirmed transaction takes a minute or so to pop up in the recent activity. Don’t sweat it – it’s only because the info refreshes every minute. Rest assured, your transaction has finished smoothly and safely. So, you get blazing speed without sacrificing security.

NEAR Mobile is now available in Vietnamese

NEAR mobile available in vietnamese

That’s right! NEAR Mobile is now available in Vietnamese. This one’s for our awesome Vietnamese community!

Did you know that our Vietnamese community is booming with over 10,000 users in our Telegram group alone? We’re blown away by your support! And we believe in taking care of our users, making sure you feel right at home. So we’ve added Vietnamese language support to NEAR Mobile.

A massive shout-out to our community members who lent a hand in translating NEAR Mobile. We couldn’t have done it without you! So, to all our Vietnamese users – enjoy using NEAR Mobile in your own language! Thanks again for being such an amazing part of our community.

Better Transaction Details and easy share

Last but not least, let’s dive into the new transaction details feature. This is all about making NEAR Mobile easier to use and better looking!

We’ve given our transaction details a major facelift. It’s more intuitive, more helpful, and just plain easier on the eyes. We’re talking details like the date each transaction was executed, who’s sending, who’s receiving, and the transaction hash – and all can be copied with a simple tap.

We’ve also thrown in Explorer and Share buttons right there in the transaction details panel. You can check out the transaction on the explorer with just one tap, or share it with your friends in a jiffy.


Alright, folks! That’s the rundown of our latest update for NEAR Mobile. With the option to buy NEAR right from your phone through our new partner Transak, faster transactions, more detailed info for each transaction, and Vietnamese language support, we’ve packed a whole lot of improvements into this update.

If you haven’t already, now’s the perfect time to download NEAR Mobile and check out these shiny new features for yourself. But remember, this isn’t where the story ends. We’re continuously working to roll out more awesome features.

Quality over speed is our mantra. We’re committed to delivering an app that’s not just good, but truly great. We’ll take our time to make sure every feature we add enhances your user experience and keeps your transactions secure. Because you deserve the best.

Oh, and did we mention? We’ve got a brand new YouTube channel! This is where we drop all our tutorials and user guides, so you can really get the most out of NEAR Mobile. Don’t forget to check it out!

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